Resources to help you thrive

Cutting edge health and wellness information to help you feel supported and guide you on your journey to living your best years!

Ultimate Guide to Successful Slumber

Soo….how’d you sleep last night? Poor quality sleep is one of the biggest stressors on the body, and a leading cause of weight gain, obesity, and disease. If a healthy & fit body is what you’re seeking, you have to address foundational aspects of wellness first, and sleep certainly tops the list.


Quick & Easy Booster Guide

Life is busy, and so are you. Small victories build momentum and lay the groundwork for establishing good habits. This free guide offers you a chance to take a few ‘victory laps.” With recipes, a workout, a breathing exercise, and a ‘cheat sheet’ on creating a balanced plate, you will feel accomplished and ready to take the next steps towards your wellness goals. 

MYTH BUSTERS, part 2 May 26, 2021

Hey-yo! I’m back this week with three more myths to bust about your wellness journey. Last week I debunked these three myths: 

  • Myth 1: The Bathroom Scale is the Most Effective Way...

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Get On Up! Mar 28, 2021

As I write this post, I am standing at my desk, avoiding my chair like the plague….because prolonged sitting, research is showing, is becoming just like a plague:  putting our bodies...

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OMG! WHY AM I SO GASSY? Mar 21, 2021
Life by Lori Z-24.jpg

Excessive gas can be frustrating, painful, and downright embarrassing!  There are a number of reasons we experience gas….and sometimes, even healthy foods like...

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Food and Freedom Mar 14, 2021

Do you ever feel as though your relationship with food is sort like a ball and chain?  Did you just shout an “Amen!” and nod your head in agreement with this question? Do you...

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You = Your Habits Feb 28, 2021

For the most part, women hire me for help in losing unwanted pounds/body fat. As a fitness trainer and a nutrition coach, I use both platforms as vehicles for change—but forming new...

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Potty Talk Feb 21, 2021

True wellness is all about what’s going on below the surface.  What we see on the outside may not tell the whole story.  Today on the blog, I am thrilled to feature Dr. Sterling...

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Ladies, I have the ultimate ‘winter skin’ health & beauty hack! 

But first, a little ‘101’ on skin: Our skin is our biggest organ (yes, I said organ), and is one...

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See Ya Sweetie Feb 07, 2021

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could make 180 degree changes in our lives overnight, simply by deciding to do so?  For the most part, that is not how we are wired.  We are wired...

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Fab Fungi Mushrooms Jan 26, 2021

Who knew that varieties of an edible fungus are such wellness/longevity powerhouses??  I used to think of MUSHROOMS as empty; devoid of anything useful, and just a filler for recipes. ...

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During a recent training session, a client asked me what I do when I hit a wall & that little voice in my head says, “Stop! This is too hard! Just quit, already!”


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Not Crazy About Cardio? Jan 12, 2021

A common area of angst for many people seeking to begin a fitness regime revolves around cardiovascular exercise.  Training the cardiovascular system is super important. Cardiovascular...

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Kitchen Harvesting Dec 06, 2020

Meal. Prep.  For many of us, those are two nasty four letter words.  Meal prepping is an area of struggle for lots of wellness-minded women, and one that often gets cast aside out of...

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